on the road again...

... and I was thinking that there is a lot in running that is just like doing academic work. It takes work - at least it does for me.

Certainly, there are those rare folk who can just dig out an old pair of flip-flops and run 10K in 36 minutes.... just like there are those, like my friend Rob when I was at University in Wales, who take to academic work with seeming effortlessness. Rob never seemed to do much school work until the last day, and then would write 4 essays in an afternoon and ace the lot. Needless to say, I am not like Rob - and never was. For me, two weeks of hard slog on each one, agonising over words, over sentences, and only then getting a reasonable grade.

This is like my running - I am chasing a Boston marathon qualifying time: 3 hrs 15 mins for my age group - and this is just out of reach..... at the moment. Still, it gets me out there, putting in the miles, and the speedwork, and well, we'll see where it gets me.

3:14:59 would be my "A+".